IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica

Dedication to Apollo

EpiDoc XML: IGCyr1275002
Trismegistos ID: 738822

Source description

Support: White marble rectangular block, broken off at right and left, also lacking the upper surface (w: 0.21 × h: 0.25 × d: 0.08).

Layout: Inscribed on the face.

Letters: 0.02-0.025; very carefully cut with serifs; still slanting sigma.

Date: Between 247 and 235 BC (Rosamilia) (lettering, prosopography).

Findspot: Found before 1979 at Cyrene: plausibly from the Sanctuary of Apollo.

Place of origin: Findspot.

Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum, 230. Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat: Cyrene Museum.

Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (CDL).


Not published before IGCyr127500 ; Rosamilia 2023, pp. 104-105 (date), pp. 195-196 (content), pp. 358-359, number 82 (text).



[Ἐπὶ? --- Ζ]ωΐλω
[ἀπ᾿ ὀρνίχων κ]α̣ὶ σκυλ[ακίων]
[ἀνετέθη? τῶι] Ἀπόλλ[ωνι ---]
[c. 5 - 6 σταθμὸν ἄ]γει ἑκα̣[τὸν]
5[δραχμὰς? Ἀλεξa]νδρείο[ς].
(vac. 2 lines)


[c. 5 - 6.........]ΓΕΙΕΚ.[....]


1: [Ἐπὶ? c. 9 Ζ]ωΐλω Rosamilia 2023: [--- Ζ]ωΐλω IGCyr
2: [ἀπ᾿ ὀρνίχων κ]α̣ὶ σκυλ[ακίων] Rosamilia 2023: [---Κάλ]λ̣ις Κυλ[ία ---] IGCyr
3: [ἀνετέθη? τῶι] Rosamilia 2023: [---] IGCyr
4: [c. 5 - 6 σταθμὸν ἄ]γει ἑκα̣[τὸν] Rosamilia 2023: [---]ΓΕΙ ἐκ χ̣[ιλίων?] IGCyr
5: [δραχμὰς Ἀλεξa]νδρείο[ς] Rosamilia 2023: [δραχμῶν Ἀλεξα]νδρείο[υ ἀργυρίου] IGCyr

French translation

[Untel] fils de Zôilos [étant prêtre, sur les revenus des oiseaux] et des chiots [a été consacré?] à Apollon [cet objet, qui?] pèse cent [drachmes] d'Alexandre.

English translation

[So-and-so] son of Zoilos [being priest, from the revenues of the birds] and puppies [was dedicated?] to Apollo [this object, which?] weighs hundred [drachmas] of Alexander.

Italian translation

[Essendo sacerdote il tale] figlio di Zoilos, [grazie ai proventi degli uccelli] e dei cuccioli di cane [fu dedicato?] ad Apollo [questo oggetto, che?] pesa cento [dracme ] di Alessandro.

Arabic translation

[فلان] بن زويلوس و[كونه كاهنًا، من عائئدات بيع الطيور] والجراء ، [أهدوا] لأبولو [هذا الغرض، الذي] يزن أويعادل قيمة 100 [دراخما] من عملة الإسكندر (الفضية).


This fragmentary inscription was first published in IGCyr as a dedication to Apollo with the mention of a value in Alexander's silver currency. The vestiges of lines 1-2 were thought to belong to the names of several dedicants. Rosamilia 2023 now provides a much more convincing reading, parallel with IGCyr1256002, which is near in date and has the same developed formulation, whereas two more ancient inscriptions, IGCyr0208002 and IGCyr0209002, with the same subject, are shorter. In them the priest is not acting as a dedicant and is mentioned as eponymous, providing a date.

This priest might be Karnedas son of Zoilos, a subscriber at IGCyr0652102 i.70 or a relative.

Alexander's silver, both currency and weight, is mentioned at IGCyr1256002 and in Ptolemaios' diagramma (IGCyr0108002 l. 8), where the adjective has the form Ἀλεξάνδρειος also with a feminine noun.

The metal object placed above and dedicated should have been mentioned in the lacuna at the beginning of line 4 and might be, as Rosamilia suggests, φιάλαν. As this word should be followed by a relative pronoun, introducing the verb ἅγει, the space available is perhpas too short. Alternatively, there was a stop and no relative pronoun.

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All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan


Cyrene sanctuary of Apollo
