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Trismegistos ID:
Source description
Support: On the left outer wall of the entrance door of a rock-cut chamber inside which
IGCyr0518002 is inscribed.
Layout: Scratched graffito, whose condition has deteriorated since first recorded.
Ferri recorded a rock-cut panel (w: 0.83 × h: 1.00) and spoke of at least 32
lines, whereas his drawing shows 19 with gaps; one line amongst the others is written in larger characters and might not pertain
to the
same text (thus here presented as textpart b).
Letters: 0.025 from Ferri, probably applying to textpart a; textpart b twice larger; slanting mu and sigma, calice-shaped upsilon,
phi with large loop.
Date: Perhaps mid-fourth to mid-third century BC (lettering).
Findspot: First copied by S. Ferri between 1919 and 1922 at
Cyrene ➚:
Sanctuary of Budaraj.
Place of origin: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
J.M. Reynolds visited the spot and said the inscription was illegible.
Sophie Marini in 2008 could not find the inscription.
Text constituted from: Transcription from previous editor (CDL).
Ferri 1922, pp. 98-99, n. 2, fig. 14, 14a, whence SEG, 9.728; IGCyr 051900 ➚. Cf. , pp. 310-311; Dobias-Lalou 2020, pp. 61-62.
[τ]ῶ[ν] ἀνα[θ]η[μ]ά[των? ---]
[c. 5] ΑΜ [.] σταφὶς̣ ΔΙΑΣ [c. 2 - 3]
[---] ΙΟ [---]
[c. 3] ΕΥΛ [---] ΟΑ
5[.] Σ [---]
[------] b
[c. 3] ΑΙΛ [c. 5] Ν [---]
(vac. 2 lines)
[c. 3τὸ]ν λοιπ̣ὸν [---]
Ο[.] α̣ [---] λκΟ̣
[c. 5] α̣ ΛΙ + [c. 6] Ν [.] α̣ [c. 3]
10[c. 4] ΙΓ [..] ΚΑ [c. 4] ΕΥΔΟ Ο
[c. 7] Α [.] λ̣αν [---]·
[τὸ] δ’ἀνάλ[ωμα? ---] ΔΕ [..]
[c. 4]ΠΑ [..]Τ [---]
γυνὰ γ̣[.]ΑΣΑ [---]
15[c. 9] ΟΛΣ [---]
[c. 8] Σ[.] ΛΛ [---]
[c. 7] ΔΥΣ [---]
[τ]ὰ δὲ ἱαρῆ[ια ---]
[.]Ο[..]ΟΕ [---]
a.11 λ vel δ vel α | a.14 γ vel π | a.8 α vel λ vel δ | ο vel ω | a.9 α vel λ vel δ | α vel λ vel δ
[+++++]ΑΜ[+]ΣΤΑΦΙ.ΔΙΑΣ[c. 2 - 3]
[------] ba
10[++++]ΙΓ[++]ΚΑ[++++]ΕΥΔΟ Ο
a.11 λ vel δ vel α | a.14 γ vel π | a.8 α vel λ vel δ | ο vel ω | a.9 α vel λ vel δ | α vel λ vel δ
a.2: ΔΙΑΣ: διὰ σ[---] SEG
a.5a: [------]: (vac.) or
a.7: [τὸ]ν λοιπ̣ὸν: [---]ν λοΙΙ[.]ον SEG
a.10: ΚΑ: ΥΑ SEG
a.14: γυνὰ γ̣: γυΚ̣ια SEG
a.18: [τ]ὰ δὲ ἱαρῆ[ια]: [.] ἁ δὲ ἱάρε̣ι[α] Ferri 1922
b.1: This line was not considered differing from textpart a neither by Ferri nor by the editors of SEG
French translation
a. [---] des offrandes [---] raisin sec [---]
b. Des Nymphes
a. [---] le reste [---] la dépense [---] femme [---] les victimes [---]
English translation
a. [---] of the offerings [---] raisin [---]
b. Of the Nymphs
a. [---] the rest [---] the expense [---] woman [---] the victims [---]
Italian translation
a. [---] delle offerte [---] uva passa [---]
b. Delle Ninfe
a. [---] il restante [---] la spesa [---] donna [---] le vittime [---]