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Trismegistos ID:
Source description
Support: Two non adjacent fragments of a white marble circular basin, (fragment a: w: 0.10 × d: 0.105; fragment b, broken off below : w: 0.095 × d: 0.037).
Layout: Inscribed on the rim (high 0.04), on three lines and at least three columns.
Letters: 0.01; no serifs, lightly cut, beta with two large loops, dotted theta, smaller omicron, rho with small loop, slightly slantering sigma, calice-shaped upsilon.
Date: Probably third century BC (lettering).
Findspot: Found before 1979 at Cyrene ➚: exact findspot unrecorded.
Place of origin: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum, 105 (fragm. a) + 216 (fragm. b). Seen by C.Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat, Cyrene Museum.
Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (CDL).
Not published before IGCyr 120000 ➚.
French translation
Col. I [Untel] fils de Karnèdas, [---]is fils d'Euklaros, [Untel] fils d'Agathis.
Col.II [Untel] fils de [---]ippos, [Untel] fils de [---]stos, [Untel fils d'Untel].
Col. III Baios fils d'[Untel], Arkh[---] fils d'[Untel, Untel fils d'Untel].
English translation
Col. I [So-and-so] son of Karnedas, [---]is son of Euklaros, [So-and-so] son of Agathis.
Col. II [So-and-so] son of [---]ippos, [So-and-so] son of [---]stos, [So-and-so son of So-and-so].
Col. III Baios son of [So-and-so], Arch[---] son of [So-and-so, So-and-so son of So-and-so].
Italian translation
Col. I [Il tale] figlio di Karnedas, [---]is figlio di Euklaros, [il tale] figlio di Agathis.
Col. II [Il tale] figlio di [---]ippos, [il tale] figlio di [---]stos, [il tale figlio del tale].
Col. III Baios figlio del [tale], Arch[---] figlio del [tale, il tale figlio del tale].
This basin is probably a dedication by at least 9 different persons. The layout should be similar with that of some monumental inscriptions such as IGCyr0224002, but we cannot know the respective placement of fragments a) and b) on the whole rim, nor can we decide whether part of the inscription, mentioning the dedication proper, was written in larger letters on one line only.
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All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.