IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica


EpiDoc XML: IGCyr1224002
Trismegistos ID: 738773

Source description

Support: Rock-cut sarcophagus forming part of an enclosure of 4 x 2 sarcophagi (dimensions unrecorded).

Layout: Inscribed on the lid slope.

Letters: Height unknown; slightly dissymmetrical mu, slanting sigma.

Date: Fourth or perhaps early third century BC (Reynolds) (lettering).

Findspot: Found and photographed by J. Cassels in 1954 at Cyrene: North Necropolis, above and behind tomb N200.

Place of origin: Findspot.

Last recorded location: Seen in situ in 1998 by J. Thorn and J.M. Reynolds, who ascertained the place in the North Necropolis. Not seen by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from: Transcription from previous mentions (CDL).


Not really published before IGCyr 122400 . Cf. Cassels 1955, pl. III.b; Thorn – Thorn 2009, p. 79.






French translation


English translation


Italian translation



This inscription was not mentioned by Cassels, who nevertheless gave a photograph on which it is clearly readable. The photograph was aimed at showing a typical enclosure of sarcophagi. Unfortunately, the caption to the plate refers to the South Necropolis. We now know its exact place thanks to the Thorns who reprint Cassels' photograph and comment: «This isolated clutch of sarcophagi was found in 1998 to be buried in modern refuse and Cassels' claim that it was in the Southern Necropolis is incorrect». They add some comments from J.M. Reynolds about reading and dating.

J.M. Reynolds commented that she could not decide whether the third letter was an omega or an omicron. However the latter gives a well-formed name and should be preferred. She also wondered whether this was the nominative of a man's name or the genitive of a woman's name. However, only the masculine is morphologically acceptable and we have in fact another occurrence of this rare name at IGCyr0005002, which might also have been written at Thera.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Deed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan


Cyrene north necropolis
