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Trismegistos ID:
Source description
Support: Local limestone capital of a pilaster
(w: 0.38 × h: 0.63 × d: 0.70).
Layout: Inscribed on the capital, at the internal side of the door
(w: 0.38 × h: 0.40), restored in its original position. Although it might look like a graffito,
this seems impossible in view of the position of the stone.
Letters: 0.025; poor and irregular lettering, deeply cut only at ll. 1-2 and 11; lunate epsilon and sigma, diamond-shaped phi, cursive
omega. Parallels for the quality of the lettering are to be seen on some of the columns of the Temple of Apollo, see IRCyr2020 C.253, IRCyr2020 C.254, IRCyr2020 C.255 and IRCyr2020 C.256.
Date: Second to third centuries AD (context, lettering).
Findspot: Found in 1928 at Cyrene ➚:
Roman Propylaeum and restored on top of the Southern pilaster flanking the
door, with the inscription on its Northern side.
Place of origin: Findspot.
Last recorded location:
It is now inaccessible to close examination.
Text constituted from: Transcription from the photograph with help of the previous editors and J.M. Reynolds' notes (CDL).
Oliverio 1930, pp. 193-196 and fig. 54; Cazzaniga 1938-1939, whence SEG, 9.190 with addenda p. 121; Peek 1972, n. 9; GVCyr 028 ➚. Cf. Oliverio 1931, p. 49; Applebaum 1962, p. 39.
[τοῖσδε] παρὰ προθύροισι καὶ
[ἕρκεσιν] Ἀπόλλωνος ❧ λεπτα-
[λέαισι κ]όμ[α]ις δάφνα ἐπ᾿ ἀ-
[γρεσία?]ι ❧ ζαλῶ Κυράναν·
5[τὸ πρὶν γὰρ Δ]ελφίδος εὖχος
[καὶ Λιβύαν]δε φυγὰς νῦν
[ἱερὸν κατ]έχω· ἀλλά τ̣ις
[ἐνθάδε? π]αῖδας Ἀριστίππου
[ἐδίδασκ?]ε ❧ αὐτοῦ μ' ἀν-
10[εῖλαι Λ]ητοΐδην γαμέτιν
(vac. 6?) ❧ (vac. 13?)
| [τοῖσδε] παρὰ προθύροισι καὶ | [ἕρκεσιν] Ἀπόλλωνος ❧
λεπτα|[λέαισι κ]όμ[α]ις δάφνα ἐπ᾿ ἀ|[γρεσία?]ι ❧
ζαλῶ Κυράναν· | (5) [τὸ πρὶν γὰρ Δ]ελφίδος εὖχος
| [καὶ Λιβύαν]δε φυγὰς νῦν | [ἱερὸν κατ]έχω·
5 ἀλλά τ̣ις | [ἐνθάδε? π]αῖδας Ἀριστίππου | [ἐδίδασκ?]ε ❧
αὐτοῦ μ' ἀν|(10)[εῖλαι Λ]ητοΐδην γαμέτιν | (vac. 6?) ❧ (vac. 13?)
[.......]Ε ❧ ΑΥΤΟΥΜΑΝ
French translation
Auprès de ce portail et de ces [clôtures] appartenant à Apollon,
de ma chevelure délicate, moi, Laurier (i.e. Daphnè), j'admire
Cyrène pour son [art de chasser]; [jadis] objet de fierté au pays de Delphes
et réfugiée en [ Libye], j'occupe maintenant [le sanctuaire];
mais quelqu'un [ici a informé] les fils d'Aristippos
qu'en ce lieu le fils de Lètô m'a [enlevée] comme épouse.
English translation
Near this portal and these [fences] belonging to Apollo,
with my delicate hair, I, Laurel (i.e. Daphne), am admiring
Cyrene for her [art of hunting]; [once] object of pride in the Delphian country
and having fled to [Libya], I now occupy [the sanctuary];
but one [here informed] Aristippos' sons
that at this place Leto's son [carried me off] as a spouse.
Italian translation
Presso questo portale e questi [recinti] di Apollo,
con la mia chioma delicata, io, Pianta di alloro (i.e. Dafne), ammiro
Cirene per la sua [arte della caccia]; [un tempo] vanto della terra di Delfi
e rifugiata in [Libia], occupo ora [il santuario];
ma qualcuno [qui ha informato] i figli di Aristippos
che in questo luogo il figlio di Latona [mi ha rapito] in sposa.