Support: Right part of a white marble slightly tapering stele recomposed from two adjacent fragments
(w: 0.59 × h: 1.06 × d: 0.10).
Layout: Inscribed on the face in two parts by the same hand, the first with larger lettering,
the second in verse with smaller lettering.
Letters: Lines 1-14, average height 0.02; lines 15-48, 0.009, carefully cut with marked serifs; alpha with dropped bar, middle sized
theta and omicron, mu with the central part coming down low toward the line, oversized xi and sigma, still dissymmetrical
pi, widely open upsilon, omega with detached lower part.
Date: Possibly second half of first century BC or first half of first century AD (lettering).
Findspot: Found by G. Caputo in 1935 at Ptolemais ➚:
in the area West of the West Church.
Place of origin: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Tolmeita Museum, inv. number unknown.
Seen by J.M. Reynolds at an unknown date at
Tolmeita Museum.
Not seen in 1960 by G. Pugliese Carratelli, who published it from a photograph.
Not seen by GVCyr team.
Text constituted from: Transcription from photograph and J.M. Reynolds' notes (CDL).
French translation
[Deinoménès] fils [d'Arist]oboulos, [Untel] fils de [---]kos, [Untel] fils de [---]tias, [Untel] fils de [Sar]apiôn, [Untel] fils d'Arimmas, [Untel] fils de [---]is, [Untel] fils de Dardanos, [Untel] fils de [---]ôn, [Untel] fils d'[Itth]allamôn, (10) [Untel] fils de Lysis, [Untel] fils d'Iasôn, [Deinoménès] fils de Lysimakhos, [Untel]
fils de Kallimakhos, [Karnis] fils d'Alexis.
[---] aux valeureux ancêtres a été célébré [---], toi, éminent Deinoménès.
[---] ta patrie non en une seule [---] en raison de ta brillante qualité.
[---] te chante par la présente (20)[---] le premier des jeunes gens.
[---] et la [---] remontant à tes ancêtres [---] les Ouranides.
[---] ce manteau à large bande [---] égales provenant des couronnes.
[---] toujours le [---] par le duvet [---] tout à fait lisse.
[---] augmente la douleur [---] nous faisons l'éloge.
[---] et non de la part des éphèbes (30) [---] la nature t'a fait le plus fort.
[---] à la bande de pourpre à nouveau [---] sur les tempes.
[---] avait le [---] des éphèbes [---] la vie.
[---] la patrie, et parmi les prêtres [---] les ancêtres.
[---] j'ai remarqué autre chose [---], ô Deinoménès.
[---] et né d'un père (40) [---] la cité.
[---] Karnis le plus valeureux [---] a [---]. (vac. 2 lines)
[---] le fils de Karnis [---] s'étant emparé [---].
[---] il consacra cette stèle comme marque d'honneur [---] aux dieux immortels.
[---] il les plaça tous pêle-mêle sur cette pierre [---] ayant recueilli ensemble leurs couronnes.
English translation
[Deinomenes] son [of Arist]oboulos, [So-and-so] son of [---]kos, [So-and-so] son of [---]tias, [So-and-so] son of [Sar]apion, [So-and-so] son of Arimmas, [So-and-so] son of [---]is, [So-and-so] son of Dardanos, [So-and-so] son of [---]on, [So-and-so] son of [Itth]allamon, (10) [So-and-so] son of Lysis, [So-and-so] son of Iason, [Deinomenes] son of Lysimachos,
[So-and-so] son of Kallimachos, [Karnis] son of Alexis.
[---] with the best forefathers has been celebrated [---], you, eminent Deinomenes.
[---] your fatherland not on one [---] on behalf of your splendid quality.
[---] sings your praise here (20)[---] the first of the youngsters.
[---] and the [---] coming from your forefathers [---] the Ouranides.
[---] that cloak with broad border [---] equal ones from the garlands.
[---] always the [---] with the downy hairs [---] quite smooth.
[---] increases the grief [---] we are praising.
[---] and not from the ephebes (30) [---] by nature you are the mightiest.
[---] with the purple border again [---] on your temples.
[---] had the [---] of the ephebes [---] the life.
[---] the fatherland, and amongst the priests [---] the forefathers.
[---] I found out another thing [---], o Deinomenes.
[---] and born from a father (40) [---] the city.
[---] Karnis the most valorous [---] he has [---]. (vac. 2 lines)
[---] Karnis' son [---] having fasten [---].
[---] he dedicated this stele as a gift of honour [---] to the immortal gods.
[---] he placed them all indiscriminately upon this stone [---] having gathered together their garlands.
Italian translation
[Deinomenes] figlio [di Arist]oboulos, [il tale] figlio di [---]kos, [il tale] figlio di [---]tias, [il tale] figlio di [Sar]apion, [il tale] figlio di Arimmas, [il tale] figlio di [---]is, [il tale] figlio di Dardanos, [il tale] figlio di [---]on, [il tale] figlio di [Itth]allamon, (10) [il tale] figlio di Lysis, [il tale] figlio di Iason, [Deinomenes] figlio di Lysimachos,
[il tale] figlio di Kallimachos, [Karnis] figlio di Alexis.
[---] dotato dei migliori antenati è stato celebrato [---], tu, eccellente Deinomenes.
[---] la tua patria non in una sola [---] a causa della tua splendidà qualità.
[---] ti loda qui (20)[---] il primo dei giovani.
[---] a la [---] che proviene dai tuoi nonni [---] gli Urani.
[---] questo mantello dal largo orlo [---] uguali provenienti dalle corone.
[---] sempre il [---] con la lanuggine [---] molto liscia.
[---] aumenta il dolore [---] noi facciamo l'elogio.
[---] e non da parte degli efebi (30) [---] per natura sei il più forte.
[---] con largo orlo di porpora di nuovo [---] sulle tempie.
[---] aveva il [---] degli efebi [---] con la vita.
[---] la patria, e tra i sacerdoti [---] gli antenati.
[---] ho scoperto un'altra cosa [---], o Deinomenes.
[---] e nato da un padre (40) [---] la città.
[---] Karnis il più valoroso [---] ha [---]. (vac. 2 lines)
[---] il figlio di Karnis [---] essendosi attaccato [---].
[---] ha dedicato questa stele come dono d'onore [---] agli dèi immortali.
[---] li ha posti tutti disordinatamente su questa pietra [---] dopo aver raccolto insieme le loro corone.