IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica


EpiDoc XML: IGCyr0649102
Trismegistos ID: 738341

Source description

Support: Veneer panel of light grey marble with white veins, re-cut and re-used first for IGCyr0649202 and again re-used for the right side of a large pedestal bearing on its front side IRCyr2020 C.91 (w: 0.23 × h: 0.89 × d: 0.073).

Layout: Inscribed in one line, of which only one part survives.

Letters: 0.008; alpha with slightly dropped bar.

Date: Perhaps second century BC (lettering, context).

Findspot: Found by E. Ghislanzoni in 1915 at Cyrene: Temple of Zeus on the agora.

Place of origin: Cyrene.

Last recorded location: The panel was seen in 2010 by C. Dobias-Lalou, who could see IGCyr0649202, but did not see these letters because of the bad light. Checked by E. Rosamilia in 2012 on a cast in Rome. Observed and photographed by S. Struffolino in December 2022 in the Temple of Zeus on the agora.

Text constituted from: Transcription from cast (ER).


Note by J.M. Reynolds in SEG, 20.726; Rosamilia 2014, n. 15; IGCyr 064910 .


French translation


English translation

Not usefully translatable.

English translation


Arabic translation

غير قابل للترجمة بشكل جيد


Those three letters were not mentioned by other scholars before Reynolds. Probably older than those of IGCyr0649202, they seem to belong to the earliest use of the panel, before it being cut off at left. Meaningless by themselves, they might be the beginning of a personal name, either abbreviated, unfinished or erased.

Reynolds' reading was controlled by Rosamilia with the help of a cast kept in Rome. On the original, the letters might perhaps be seen only under special light. Struffolino's very good photo allows now to guess the letters, which are situated under the initial chi of line 2 of IGCyr0649102.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Deed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan


Cyrene agora
