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Trismegistos ID:
Source description
Support: White marble panel, chipped off at upper right and lower left
(w: 0.39 × h: 0.19).
Layout: Inscribed on front face, more or less deeply cut, all lines aligned at left.
Letters: Height unknown; alpha with dropped bar, non slanting sigma, small circular letters, most oblique strokes very lightly cut
and not very clear on the photograph.
Date: Perhaps first half of second century BC (lettering).
Findspot: Said to have been brought to Alexandria before 1840 from the coast of Cyrenaica.
Place of origin: Cyrenaica (?).
Last recorded location:
Copied before 1840 by H.C. Agnew at Alexandria, in private possession.
Observed by W. Froehner between 1876 and 1883 at Marseille,
in the Musée Archéologique.
Seems to be now lost; edited from an old photograph.
Text constituted from: Transcription from photograph (CDL).
Agnew 1840, n. A, pp. 168-169, plate XIII, fig. a and Welcker 1842, p. 209, n. 17, whence CIG, p. 362, n. 5362b; Froehner 1897, n. 107; GVCyr 005 ➚.
Cf. Field 1877, p. 90; Kaibel 1878, n. 260; Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 1927, p. 312; Peek 1955, n. 1254 Morelli 1963, pp. 168-170; Roques 1995, pp. 133-134; Dobias-Lalou 2014, p. 326 whence SEG, 64.2009; Dobias-Lalou 2012, pp. 144-145, fig. 3; Dobias-Lalou 2018, p. 202, whence SEG 68.1745.
Δέρκεο τὰν ἀρίσαμον, ὁδοίπορε, τὰν Βερενίκας
εἰκόνα τᾶς μελέας, ἃν τάφος οὖτος ἔχει,
ἃ τὸ πρὶν ἐ«γ» «κ»αλυβοῖς, νῦν δ᾿εἰς Ἀχέροντα μολοῦσα
ἐστερόμαν τῶν πρὶν νυμφιδίων θαλάμων,
5πατρὶ γόους προλιποῦσα Φιλοξένωι, ὂς τόδ᾿ ἔτευξεν
εἴδωλον νύμφας μναμόσυνον θέμενος.
3 ancient correction from π | ancient correction from ιι
| Δέρκεο τὰν ἀρίσαμον, ὁδοίπορε, τὰν Βερενίκας
| εἰκόνα τᾶς μελέας, ἃν τάφος οὖτος ἔχει,
| ἃ τὸ πρὶν ἐ«γ» «κ»αλυβοῖς, νῦν δ᾿εἰς Ἀχέροντα μολοῦσα
| ἐστερόμαν τῶν πρὶν νυμφιδίων θαλάμων,
5 | (5) πατρὶ γόους προλιποῦσα Φιλοξένωι, ὂς τόδ᾿ ἔτευξεν
| εἴδωλον νύμφας μναμόσυνον θέμενος.
3 ancient correction from π | ancient correction from ιι
ΕΙΔΩΛΟΝΝΥΜΦΑΣΜΝΑΜΟΣΥΝΟΝΘΕΜΕΝΟΣ3 ancient correction from π | ancient correction from ιι
French translation
Translation source: Dobias-Lalou 2014
Contemple, passant, le remarquable portrait de Bérénika
la malheureuse, que renferme ce tombeau:
moi qui, naguère sous le dais nuptial et maintenant en route vers l'Achéron,
me suis vue priver prématurément de ma chambre nuptiale,
ne laissant que des lamentations à mon père Philoxénos, qui fit faire
cette image de jeune femme et l'érigea en souvenir.
English translation
See, wayfarer, the notable portrait of Berenika
the hapless, whom this tomb keeps:
I who, being formerly under the virgin chamber and now on my way to the Acheron,
was prematurely deprived of my bridal room,
leaving only woes to my father Philoxenos, who had
this image of young woman made and erected it as a memorial.
Italian translation
Guarda, passante, il pregevole ritratto di Berenika,
sventurata, che questo sepolcro racchiude:
io dapprima nella stanza nuziale, ora invece sulla via dell’Acheronte,
anzitempo sono stata privata del talamo della sposa,
null'altro che lamenti al padre lasciando, a Filoxenos, che questo simulacro
di giovane donna fece costruire e pose come ricordo.