IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica

Accounts of the damiergoi

EpiDoc XML: IGCyr0131002
Trismegistos ID: 738219

Source description

Support: Fragmentary white marble panel broken on all sides except on left (w: 0.13 × h: 0.14 × d: 0.03).

Layout: Inscribed on the face.

Letters: 0.012; the numeral character ⊐ is here written right-to-left and the numeral character Z is written obliquely.

Date: Between 365 and 350 BC (Rosamillia) (lettering, content).

Findspot: Found before 1933 at Cyrene: agora.

Place of origin: Findspot.

Last recorded location: Not found.

Text constituted from: Transcription from previous editor (CDL).


Oliverio 1932-1933, p. 96, n. 28, whence SEG, 9.29; IGCyr 013100 ; Rosamilia 2023, pp. 164-167 (date), p. 293, number 33 (text).

For general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr0114002.



[--- Καρπὸς]
ἐτιμ[άθη]· [κριθαὶ ἀν c. 2 - 4], [σπυρο-]
ὶ ἀν ⊐ Ζ, [ὄσπρια ἀν c. 3], [στα-]
φὶς ἀν ⊐ Ζ > >, [σῦκα c. 2], [σταφυ-]
5λὰ ψυθία ἁ ἔ[νδος τᾶς προ-]
κλησίας 𐅠 𐅠, [ἁ ἔξος c. 3], [μέ-]
λαινα [ἔνδος τᾶς προκλη-]
[σίας ---]
[------] -


ΕΤΙΜ[...........c. 2 - 4.....-]
ΙΑΝ Ζ [........+++...-]
ΦΙΣΑΝ Ζ > > [....++.....-]
ΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ 𐅠 𐅠 [.....+++..-]


3: [ὄσπρια ἀν c. 3] Rosamilia 2023: [c. 11] Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr
4: [σῦκα c. 2] Rosamilia 2023: [c. 6] Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr
5: ἁ Rosamilia 2023: {α} Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr
6: [ἁ ἔξος c. 3] Rosamilia 2023: [ἔξος c. 4] Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr
7-8: [προκλη-]|[σίας] IGCyr: [προκλησίας] | [------] Oliverio 1932-1933, Rosamilia 2023

French translation

[---] La récolte a été estimée: [orge, la mesure, tant; froment], la mesure 3 drachmes; [légumineuses, la mesure, tant]; raisin sec, la mesure, 3 drachmes 2 oboles [figues, tant]; raisin hâtif, sous garantie, 8 drachmes; [hors garantie, tant]; noir [sous garantie, tant]; [---].

English translation

[---] The crops were estimated: [barley, per unit, so much; wheat], per unit 3 drachmas ; [pulse, per unit, so much]; raisin, per unit, 3 drachmas 2 obolas [figs, so much]; grapes: early, under guarantee, 8 drachmas; [without guarantee, so much]; black [under guarantee, so much]; [---].

Italian translation

[---] Il raccolto è stato valutato: [orzo a tanto; frumento] a 3 dracme [legumi a tanto]; uva passa a 3 dracme 2 oboli [fichi, a tanto]; uva: primaticcia, scelta, 8 dracme; [non scelta, a tanto]; nera [scelta, a tanto]; [---].

Arabic translation

[---] تم تقدير المحاصيل كالتالي: ]الشعير، قيمة ما، للمقدار الواحد؛ القمح[، 3 دراخما للمقدار الواحد؛ ]البقوليات ، قيمة ما، للمقدار الواحد[؛ الزبيب، 3 دراخما و 2 أوبول للمقدار الواحد؛ ]التين ، قيمة ما، للمقدار الواحد[؛ ؛ العنب: المبكر، مباع بعقد مسبق، 8 دراخما؛ ]غيرمباع بعقد مسبق، قيمة ما [ ؛ الأسود] مباع بعقد مسبق، قيمة ما[ ؛. [---]

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Deed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan


Cyrene agora
