EpiDoc XML:
Trismegistos ID:
Source description
Support: Two non adjacent fragments of a white
pillar bearing also IGCyr0628002, IGCyr0628102, IGCyr0628202, IGCyr0628302,
and IGCyr0628402; IGCyr0976002 is probably the upper part of the pillar;
IGCyr0971502 might also belong to the collection.
fragment a (w: 0.04 × h: 0.105 × d: 0.17), broken on all sides except on the left, is cut on the face next to IGCyr0628102 on its left;
fragment b (w: 0.07 × h: 0.16 × d: 0.16) is broken on all sides except on the right.
Layout: Inscribed under IGCyr0628402.
Letters: 0.01; same hand as IGCyr0628302 and IGCyr0628402.
Date: Between 139 and 132 BC (rather than 124/116, Rosamilia) (lettering, reign).
Findspot: Found before 1956 at
Cyrene ➚: exact findspot unrecorded.
Place of origin: Cyrene ➚.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum, 84 (fragm. a) and 304 (fragm. b).
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in
Shahat: Cyrene Museum.
Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (CDL).
Fragment a: Fraser 1958, pp. 101-104, n. 1.B, whence SEG, 18.727; with fragment b (hitherto unpublished): Dobias-Lalou 2000, whence SEG, 50.1639.B.IV; IGCyr 062850 ➚; Rosamilia 2023, pp. 240-243, number 4, document VII (text).
| [..]Υ[c. 23 - 27]
| [.]αΙ̣[c. 23 - 27]
| Τ̣αγ[c. 23 - 27]
| ἢ τῶ[ν c. 22 - 26] | [---]
5 | ἄνευ̣ [c. 18 - 22] | ος κα-
| τὰ τ[c. 15 - 19] | [ἐ]βουλεύ- (vac. 1)
| σαν̣[το c. 15 - 19] | Σ ταῦτα
| τ[c. 18 - 22] | μένου (vac. 1)
| [---] | θεῶν (vac. 1)
10 | [---] | ΑΙ (vac. 3)
| (vac.)
2 ι vel γ vel π | 3 τ vel γ
| [++]Υ[c. 23 - 27]
| [+]Α.[c. 23 - 27]
| .ΑΓ[c. 23 - 27]
| ΗΤΩ[.c. 22 - 26] | [---]
5 | ΑΝΕ.[c. 18 - 22] | ΟΣΚΑ
| ΤΑΤ[c. 15 - 19] | [.]ΒΟΥΛΕΥ-
| ΣΑ.[..c. 15 - 19] | ΣΤΑΥΤΑ
| Τ[c. 18 - 22] | ΜΕΝΟΥ
| [---] | ΘΕΩΝ
10 | [---] | ΑΙ
| vacat
2 ι vel γ vel π | 3 τ vel γ
French translation
[---] sans [---] conformément aux [---] dont ils ont délibéré [---] vers/ en rapport avec cela [---] des dieux [---].
English translation
[---] without [---] following the [---] about which they have deliberated [---] regarding those matters [---] of the gods [---].
Italian translation
[---] senza [---] conformemente a [---] su cui hanno deliberato [---] riguardo queste faccende [---] degli dèi [---].