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Trismegistos ID:
Source description
Support: Fragment of white marble block,
broken on all sides and recut on opposite side for the shoulder of a draped sculpture; two holes for attachment to the
statue were cut into the inscribed face
(w: 0.23- × h: 0.12- × d: 0.05).
Layout: Inscribed on the face.
Letters: Line 1 0.01; elsewhere 0.008; slight serifs; nearly not slanting mu, xi without central hasta, very small omicron, slanting
sigma, widely open upsilon.
Date: Third century BC (lettering).
Findspot: Found before 1923 by Ferri at
Cyrene ➚:
Place of origin: Findspot.
Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum, 59.
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1976 in Shahat: Cyrene Museum.
Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (CDL).
Oliverio 1932-1933, p. 97, n. 31 (ph.), whence SEG, 9.32; IGCyr 013400 ➚; Rosamilia 2023, pp. 103-104 (prosopography), pp. 171-174 (date, content), p. 312, number 54 (text). Cf. Gasperini 1990, p. 24, footnote 17..
For a general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr0114002.
[Ἱαρεὺς] Φιλύ̣[τας ---].
[Δαμιεργ]έντων Δεξάρχω Προκ̣[λεῦς],
[c. 8]άμω Π̣ρ̣ολύτω, Αἰγλάνορ[ος]
[c. 9]. [Κα]ρποὶ ἐτιμάθεν· πράτ⸢α⸣ν
5[ἑξάμηνον](vac.) σπυρῶν μέδιμνος 𐅠 𐅠 [---]
[κριθᾶν ---], [ἐρεβί]ν̣θων 𐅠 𐅠 𐅠, κυάμων [c. 2 - 3]
[τὰ ἄλλα ὄσπρια c. 2] 𐅠, ἀμυσγελᾶ[ν μαλα-
κᾶν c. 2 - 3],
[σκληρᾶν c. 2 - 3], [σ]ταφίδ[ων ---].
[------] -
4 ⸢α⸣ lapis λ (sic)
5[........] ΣΠΥΡΩΝΜΕΔΙΜΝΟΣ 𐅠 𐅠 [---]
[......---.....].ΘΩΝ 𐅠 𐅠 𐅠 ΚΥΑΜΩΝ[c. 2 - 3]
[.............++].ΑΜΥΣΓΕΛΑ[........c. 2 - 3]
[.......c. 2 - 3.]ΤΑΦΙΔ[..---]
4 ⸢α⸣ lapis λ (sic)
French translation
Prêtre Philytas [fils d'Untel], étant démiurges Dexarkhos fils de Pro[klès], [---]amos fils de Prolytos, Aiglanôr [fils d'Untel]. Les récoltes ont été estimées: premier [semestre]: le médimne de froment,
8 drachmes; [d'orge, tant]; pois chiches, 12 drachmes; fèves [tant; les autres légumineuses ..]4 drachmes; amandes à coque
tendre, [tant; à coque dure, tant]; raisin sec [---].
English translation
Priest Philytas [son of So-and-so], being damiergoi Dexarchos son of Pro[kles], [---]amos son of Prolytos, Aiglanor [son of So-and-so]. The crops were estimated: first [semester]: one medimnos of wheat, 8 drachmas;
[of barley, so much]; chickpeas, 12 drachmas; beans, [so much; the other pulse, ..]4 drachmas; almonds with soft shells, [so
much; with hard shells, so much]; raisins [---].
Italian translation
Sacerdote Philytas [figlio del tale], essendo damiurghi Dexarchos figlio di Pro[kles], [---]amos figlio di Prolytos, Aiglanor [figlio del tale]. Il raccolto è stato valutato: primo [semestre]: un medimno di frumento,
8 dracme; [di orzo, a tanto]; ceci, 12 dracme; fave, [a tanto: gli altri legumi, ..]4 dracme; mandorle a guscio tenero, [tanto;
a guscio duro, tanto]; uva passa [---].
Arabic translation
في فترة الكاهن فيليتاس [بن فلان]، وكل من الداميرجوي ديكسارخوس بن برو[كليس]، و[---] اموس بن بروليتوس وإيجلانور [بن فلان]، المحاصيل
قدرت كالتالي: أولا [الفصل الأول] الأول: مديمنوس من القمح، 8 دراخما [---]؛ الحمص، 12 دراخما؛ الفول [---] 4 دراخما؛ اللوز ذو
القشورالهشة، [قيمة ما؛ ذو القشورالصلبة، قيمة ما]. الزبيب [---] .