IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica

Dedication on occasion of telesphoria

EpiDoc XML: IGCyr0165002
Trismegistos ID: 6000

Source description

Support: Grey marble block broken on back, with two foot-holes on top (w: 0.0715 × h: 0.35 × d: 0.42-); another block is missing on the left.

Layout: Inscribed on the face.

Letters: 0.027.

Date: Third century BC

Findspot: Found at Cyrene: Sanctuary of Apollo, SE of Temple of Apollo, near the Fountain of Philothales.

Place of origin: Findspot.

Last recorded location: Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1983 in situ, in the Sanctuary of Apollo.

Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (CDL).


Oliverio 1933-1936, p. 107, n. 74, pl. XX, fig. 29, whence SEG, 9.69; IGCyr 016500 .

Cf. Rosamilia 2023, pp. 196-197.



| [---] | Ἀθανόδωρος Ἀσμένω
| [Καρνῆια? τελεσφ] | ορέων ἀνέθηκε (vac. 2).


| [.............] | ΟΡΕΩΝΑΝΕΘΗΚΕ    


2: [Καρνῆια?]: [τοὺς δεῖνας ἀγῶνας] Oliverio 1933-1936

French translation

(scil. La statue d')[un tel fils d'un tel] a été consacrée par Athanodôros fils d'Asménos, tandis qu'il accomplissait la [telesph]oria [des Karneia?].

English translation

(scil. The statue of) [so-and-so, son of so-and-so] was dedicated by Athanodoros son of Asmenos, while celebrating the [telesph]oria [of Karneia?].

Italian translation

(scil. La statua del)[tale, figlio del tale] è stata dedicata da Athanodoros figlio di Asmenos, mentre celebrava la [telesph]oria [delle Karneia?].

Arabic translation

كُرِس (تمثال) [فلان بن فلان] َ من قبل أثانودوروس بن أسمينوس عند الاحتفال بالتيليسفوريا الكارنيا


With participle τελεσφορέων we have usually Καρνῆια and sometimes also δεκάταν (see IGCyr0164002). There is room for that on a block missing to the left, which had at l. 1 the name of the honoree.

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All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan


Cyrene sanctuary of Apollo
