IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica

Ptolemaic prostagma (?)

EpiDoc XML: IGCyr0628302
Trismegistos ID: 738333

Source description

Support: Two adjacent fragments of white marble pillar broken on top, below and in the middle, bearing also IGCyr0628002 and IGCyr0628102 on the next side to the left, whereas IGCyr0628202, the present text, IGCyr0628402 and IGCyr0628502 are cut on the same side, here considered the face; IGCyr0976002 is probably the upper part of the pillar; IGCyr0971502 might also belong to the collection. Fragment a (w: 0.20 × h: 0.11 × d: 0.25) keeps the left edge of the stele; fragment b (w: 0.09 × h: 0.20 × d: 0.15) keeps the right edge of the stele.

Layout: Inscribed on the stele between IGCyr0628202 and IGCyr0628402.

Letters: 0.01; same hand as IGCyr0628402 and IGCyr0628502.

Date: Between 139 and 132 BC (rather than 124/116, Rosamilia). (lettering, reign).

Findspot: Fragment a was found by L. Pernier on August 9th 1932 at Cyrene: in the Greek Theatre; fragment b was found also by L. Pernier on September 29th, 1929 in the Temple of Artemis.

Place of origin: Findspot.

Last recorded location: Cyrene Museum, 572 (fragment a) and 60 (fragment b). Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat: Cyrene Museum.

Text constituted from: Transcription from stone (CDL).


Dobias-Lalou 2000, whence SEG, 50.1639.B.II; IGCyr 062830 ; Rosamilia 2023, pp. 240-243, number 4, document V (text).



| [οὐ ...]εκΛ̣[c. 9 οὔτ] | ε πωλῶν
| [τοὺς ἀγρ]οὺς οὔτε ὑπ[οτ] | ι̣θεὶς οὔτε
| [c. 6 - 7 ο]ὔ̣τε κατ'ἄλλη̣ | ν οὐδεμίαν
| [παρεύρεσιν σ]τ̣ερίσκων̣ | τ̣όν τε
5 | [θεὸν καὶ το]ὺ̣[ς Κυρηναί] | ους (vac. 3)
| [---] | (vac.)
(vac. 1 line)

1 λ vel α


| [..+++]ΕΚ.[+++++++++...] | ΕΠΩΛΩΝ
| [.......]ΟΥΣΟΥΤΕΥΠ[..] | .ΘΕΙΣΟΥΤΕ
| [c. 6 - 7.].ΤΕΚΑΤΑΛΛ. | ΝΟΥΔΕΜΙΑΝ
| [...........].ΕΡΙΣΚΩ. | .ΟΝΤΕ
5 | [.........].[........] | ΟΥΣ      
| [---] |       

1 λ vel α


2: [τοὺς ἀγρ]οὺς Rosamilia 2023: [τούτους τοὺς ἀγρ]οὺς Dobias-Lalou 2000, IGCyr
3: [c. 6 - 7]: [ἀποδωρῶν?] Rosamilia 2023; [ἰδιώμενος?] Rosamilia 2023; [μισθῶν] Dobias-Lalou 2000, IGCyr
5: [θεὸν καὶ το]ὺ̣[ς Κυρηναί]ους: [c. 22]ους Dobias-Lalou 2000, SEG SEG added a spurious space before this line

French translation

[---]ne[---], pas [---], ni en vendant les terrains ni en les hypothéquant, ni [ en les .. ? ..ant], ni en en privant sous quelque [prétexte] que ce soit [le dieu et les Cyrénéens].

English translation

[---]not[---] neither by selling the fields, nor mortgaging them, nor [.. ? ..ing] them, nor depriving of them on any account [the god and the Cyrenaeans].

Italian translation

[---]non [---] né vendendo li terreni, né ipotecandoli, né [.. ? ..andoli], né sottraendoli con nessun altro [pretesto al dio e ai Cirenei].


Those lines, although not separated from the preceding ones (IGCyr0628202) and dealing with similar subjects, should be considered a different document, as they are written in koine and cut in larger letters. They might be a quotation from a Ptolemaic decision, on which the preceding decree would be modelled.

Rosamilia 2023 rightly pointed out that the rule is here not to alienate the fields belonging to Apollo, thus the income provided by them. Therefore, the lost paticiple at the beginning of line 3 should mean either 'donating' or 'appropriating'. He suggests restorations, none of which seems exactly fitting.

If the restoration at l. 5 is good, it would show that the fields belonging to Apollo were also considered a possession of the city.

The indications about the findspots were provided to C. Dobias-Lalou by E. Catani from Pernier's archive kept at the University of Macerata. Although both fragments were found separately, the distance between both spots is moderate and such small fragments may have been moved at any date in late antiquity or in modern times.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Deed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan
