IGCyr2 | GVCyr2
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica | Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica

Accounts of the damiergoi

EpiDoc XML: IGCyr0127002
Trismegistos ID: 738214

Source description

Support: Upper left angle of a white marble stele (w: 0.13 × h: 0.14 × d: 0.05).

Layout: Inscribed on the face; line 1 with large space between the letters, the rest normally spaced.

Letters: 0.012; slanting sigma, lightly slanting mu, small omicron above the line.

Date: Brobably ca. 300 BC (Rosamilia) (lettering, content).

Findspot: Found at the latest in 1929 at Cyrene: agora.

Place of origin: Findspot.

Last recorded location: Not found.

Text constituted from: Transcription from previous editor (CDL).


Oliverio 1932-1933, p. 94, n. 24 (ph.), whence SEG, 9.25; IGCyr 012700 ; Rosamilia 2023, pp. 167-169 (prices, date), pp. 305-306, number 48 (text).

For a general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr0114002.



Ἱαρεὺς Πραξ[c. 13].
Δαμιεργέντ[ων c. 9]-
ευς Τιμώχω, [c. 10 ᾿Ετ-]
5εάρχω, Ἀναξ[---] [---]
Καρπὸς ἐτι[μάθη :]· [κριθαὶ ἀν]
𐅝, σπυροὶ ἀν [c. 2], [ὄσπρια ἀν c. 2],
[κύμινον? ἀν] 𐅝 Ζ, [c. 10]
[------] -


𐅝 ΣΠΥΡΟΙΑΝ[++........++]
[.........] 𐅝 Ζ [++++++++++]


2: Πραξ[c. 13] Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr: Πραξ[ιάδας Εὐκλείδα?] Rosamilia 2023 (Already suggested by Laronde 1987, p. 118)
4-5: [᾿Ετ?-]|5εάρχω: [---]|5εάρχω Rosamilia 2023; [᾿Ετ-]|5εάρχω Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr
8: [κύμινον?] Oliverio 1932-1933, IGCyr: [---] Rosamilia 2023

French translation

Dieux. Prêtre Prax[--- fils d'un tel]. Etant démiurges [---]s fils de Timôkhos, [un tel] fils d'[Et]éarkhos, Anax[--- fils d'un tel]. La récolte a été estimée: orge, la mesure, 2 drachmes; froment, la mesure, [tant]; légumineuses, la mesure, [tant]; [cumin?], la mesure, 3 drachmes; [---].

English translation

Gods. Priest Prax[--- son of So-and-so]. Being damiergoi [---]s son of Timochos, [So-and-so] son of [Et]earchos, Anax[--- son of So-and-so]. The crops were estimated: barley, per unit, 2 drachmas; wheat, per unit, [so much]; pulse, per unit, [so much]; [cumin], per unit, 3 drachmas; [---].

Italian translation

Dèi. Sacerdote Prax[--- figlio del tale]. Essendo damiurghi [---]s figlio di Timochos, [il tale] figlio di [Et]earchos, Anax[--- figlio del tale]. Il raccolto è stato valutato: orzo a 2 dracme; grano [a tanto]; legumi [a tanto]; [cumino?] a 3 dracme; [---].

Arabic translation

الآلهة. الكاهن براكس [--- فلان بن فلان]. تحت إشراف كل من الداميرجوي [---] بن تيموخوس و[فلان] بن إت [يارخوس] وأناكس [--- بن فلان]، تم تقدير المحاصيل كالتالي: الشعير، 2 دراخما للمقدار الواحد؛ القمح، للمقدار الواحد [قيمة ما]؛ البقوليات، للمقدار الواحد [قيمة ما]؛ [الكمون]، 3 دراخما للمقدار الواحد. [---].


Rosamilia 2023, after Laronde 1987, suggests that the priest is the Praxiadas son of Eukleidas who dedicated the Hellenistic propylaea of Apollo's sanctuary. However, various other names beginning with Πραξ- are usual in Cyrenaica and without any vestige of the father's name, the hypothesis should rather remain open. Conversely, we keep here, after Oliverio, the name Etearchos as the father's name of the second damierghos, although Rosamilia is right in pointing out that Klearchos would also be possible. The latter is however less frequent than Etearchos at the time.

At line 8, the price being 2 drachmas or a little more, cumin is more likely than straw, which in some accounts follows immediately pulse. So Oliverio was probably right to restore the former. Rosamilia 2023 is more reluctant.

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All citation, reuse or distribution of this work must contain a link back to DOI: https://doi.org/10.60760/unibo/igcyrgvcyr2 and the filename (IGCyr000000 or GVCyr000), as well as the year of consultation.


Cyrene general plan


Cyrene agora
